Our Planning Approach

A typical strategic planning session works like this:

Before we arrive, we review your credit union's current and historical financial trends. On an agreed date and location, we will facilitate a one, two or three day Strategic Planning session with the CEO and management team. In the session, we present to the group changes that we've seen in the industry, innovations, technology and new developments. We then facilitate discussion between the CEO and management team members.

The long term objectives we develop cover product growth, member relations, human resources, technology and facilities. Our work results in draft documents that will be used during scheduled Board planning sessions.

We conduct the Board of Directors strategic planning session. During the session, we review the industry trends with the Board of Directors and finalize long-term objectives, key strategic objectives and tactical strategies with their involvement. Participants in this portion of the planning session generally include board members, the CEO and management team members. During the session we also discuss future trends in the financial services industry, compare the current credit union position in relation to national averages, review staff planning direction, discuss current product pricing strategies, and review other critical issues facing the credit union.

A sample of typical planning documentation may be downloaded here.

Also See:
    • Scheduling a Planning Session
    • Strategic Planning Software.